Tourism overcrowding: two destination experiences

Travel Mole announced in an article Santorini closes its gates, caps visitor numbers as: Dubrovnik wonders if it’s been killed by tourism (Sept 4 2018) Not only is the population in Santorini rapidly rising, as more and more people are…

Should museums take branding more seriously?

Museums are often named after the town or county in which they are located. This is especially true of publicly-owned museums but are they missing a trick? Some of our larger institutions do take branding very seriously. When I was…

Venice ordered to lift ban on cruise ships

  In an earlier blog I looked at the threat of cruise tourism to a unique cultural city, Venice. We saw how the increase in cruise ships is destroying this beautiful city. However the politicians did listen and the Italian government…

Attracting young audiences to the Arts using Tumblr

In the Arts world attracting teenagers and young adults can be an extremely difficult strategy to fulfill. Many organisations including museums and  art galleries are beginning to use tumblr social network to spread the word. Although only a year younger…

Where will tomorrow’s tourists come from?

We are told that Britain will not see a healthy thriving economy for at least 10 years so where is Visit Britain looking for future growth markets? The BRIC markets, namely Brazil, Russia, India and China are seen as providing…

What should a library look like in 2013 – Answer: Open

Interesting article in the Guardian discussing what a library should offer especially with the threat of public sector funding cuts. Having been involved in the launch of Cardiff Central Library, an award winning contemporary five storey building providing not just…
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